Transform your day with Acts of Routine Kindness.

“Small acts of kindness can not only change the lives of those around us; but change the world for good.”
— The Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory


The Concept

ARK is based on the teachings of the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory, that centering kindness in our lives changes the world. Even if it starts with just a penny. The goal is to introduce the idea of philanthropy at a young age. We believe that having a dedicated charity box to place money every day provides a visual reminder of the importance of giving, and giving every day has proven to generate a greater sense of compassion. We are on a mission to turn Acts of Random Kindness into Acts of Routine Kindness.

How It Works

Kindness Campaign
Although the giving happens at home, ARK motivates classroom discussions and projects about kindness. We would partner with each school to plan a kindness campaign on their campus.

Kick-Off Assembly
We would introduce the idea of philanthropy, non-profit opportunities in our region, and the power of each student becoming a “giver” for life.

Benefiting Organization
Each school would select a local non-profit organization to be the recipient of their kindness.

Giving Day
We would come back with representatives of the selected organization for a “Giving Day,” to collect the donations.

Acts of Routine Kindness
The students would keep their emptied ARKs in hopes that giving and kindness have become something they do every day.

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